

Commercial institutions with licensed MIDACO users (selected)

Altair Kendrion Nordex SE
Almatech Litens Automotive Group Olympus
Axians LG Electronics PACE Aerospace
BASF McKinsey Ranplan Wireless
Baker Hughes Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Siemens
Electricity de France Movares Veolia
Ford MT Aerospace Voith Engineering
General Motors Nippon Steel ESA / DLR / KARI


Academic institutions with licensed MIDACO users (selected)

Aston University NUS (Singapore) University of Calgary
Beijing Institute of Technology Osaka University University of Illinois
Carnegie Mellon University Rice University University of Lorraine
Columbia University RWTH Aachen University of Lyon
Clemson University  Sejong University University of Massachusetts
Cranfield University Stanford University University of Manchester
Drexel University Stellenbosch University University of Oxford
ESPCI Paris TNO Delft University of Pisa
ETH Zurich Tokyo Institute of Technology University of Pennsylvania
FERIT Croatia TU Braunschweig University of Quebec
Florida State University TU Freiberg University of Reunion Island
Frauenhofer Institute TU Ilmenau University of Rhode Island
Georgia Institute of Technology UBC Canada University of Southampton
IRIT (Toulouse France) UC Lovain University of Texas
Johns Hopkins University UC San Diego University of Tokyo
KIT (Karlsruhe) UCD Dublin UNSW (Australia)
Max Planck Institute Uni St. Petersburg Virginia Tech USA
Northwestern University University of Arizona  XLIM (University de Limoges)


MIDACO reseller and software collaborations 


 BIC Angels

Schittkowski GmbH

SigmaXL CCP Software




