ASTOS integrates MIDACO



MIDACO is integrated in the LOTOS software by

Astos Solutions GmbH for low-thrust orbit transfer optimization.



Case studies 

Walther M., Wiegand A.:

ASTOS Orbit Generator - Rapid Creation of Quasi-Optimal Orbital Transfers in the CR3BP

ESA GNC and ICATT Conference, Sopot, Poland, 12-16 June 2023 [ PDF ] (2023)

 Wiegand A., Rossi V., Shaeff S., Weikert S.:

ASTOS 9.3 Multibody Feature for Simulations of Flexible Launcher Dynamics (slideshow)

ICATT Conference, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 6-9 November [ PPT ] (2018)