New PLOS ONE / Covid19 paper available


Oliva G., Schlueter M, Munetomo M., Scala A.

Dynamical intervention planning against COVID-19-like epidemics [ Link ]

PLoS ONE 17(6): e0269830. ( 2022 )


This paper introduces a new epidemic intervention planning method based on a mixed-integer extended SIR model. The resulting computational model consists of 76,650 decision variables and 18,295 nonlinear constraints. The MIDACO optimziation software was able to solve this model to a feasible solution within 6 × 10^6 evaluation and further converged that solution until 9 × 10^6 evaluation. The total CPU time to perform those 9 × 10^6 evaluation required five days. The resulting solution provides a fine-grained epidemic intervention plan for a full year (365 days) time horizon.

Convergence curve of objective function and overall constraint violation