This is an excerpt from the comments of the anonymous reviewers of the journal 'Advances in Space Research' (Elsevier) on the manuscript: "MIDACO on MINLP Space Applications" by Schlueter M., Erb. S., Gerdts M. Kemble S., Rueckmann J.J. (Received September 2012) Reviewer#1: "This is definitely worth being published." "I do strongly believe that your method would also be fit for application to more real world problems" Reviewer#2: "I have read, 'MIDACO on MINLP Space Applications' for publication consideration in Advances in Space Research. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. The authors have developed a software that solves important problems in optimization and have shown the applicability of their approach in important space applications. I was extremely impressed with the results obtained for both of the major applications considered in this manuscript, particularly with regard to the thoroughness in the evaluation of the method. To be quite honest, I see absolutely no reason why this article should not be published 'as is' in ASR."